Starting January 1, 2017, newly enacted Civil Code section 4041 will require unit owners to annually provide to the association written notice of (1) the address or addresses to which notices from the association are to be delivered, (2) an alternate or secondary address to which notices from the association are to be delivered, (3) the name and address of owner’s legal representative, if any, including any person with power of attorney or other person who can be contacted in the event of the owner’s extended absence; and (4) whether the separate interest is owner-occupied, is rented out, if the parcel is developed but vacant, or if the parcel is undeveloped land.  The association will be required to solicit these annual notices of each owner and enter the data into its books and records, at least 30 days prior to making its own required annual disclosures.  If an owner fails to provide the notices, the Association should send notices to the unit’s address.

Associations should send the solicitation sufficiently in advance of the deadline for the Association’s annual disclosures to receive the owners’ notices in time to enter the information 30 days before sending the annual disclosures.



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